Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A FAQ about this blog

0. You are a aware that you misspelled miniature in the web name right?

Yeah, I'm trying to fix that if i can't i may have to reboot the site. Under a new better spelled address. edit- fixed should work fine now.

1.What the -- another freaking blog?

Yes another one.

2. But don't you have a blog already?

Yes, but this is only on my miniature painting progress/process.

3. You know you rarely update the you have blog. i hope this one will motivate me to update the other more as well. ya know I'm post up here might as well do so over there as well.

4. I'm not buying it.

I thought you were supposed to be asking questions...

5. When are you going to post up your first picture?

Once I get home tonight, after eating foods with my girlfriend.

6. LIES! Nobody that plays super geeky hobbies has a girlfriend.

Ahh, thus why I don't post very often I'd rather be around her.

7. Touche.

Take that evil FAQ.

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